Tall Man
Films by Genre
Director Statement
Sometimes you grow up thinking people are your friends. They are nice to you (to your face). They hang out with you, you share secrets with them, you trust them and hold them in a certain regard. Then one day (after a few shots of vodka sometimes) they reveal their true self. In that instant, with a simple word or action you realize they've never been your friend. It's like a knife in the back, a shot in the heart. And sometimes in that moment your friends become enemies and all their actions in retrospect take on a whole new meaning. And so is the case for Chef and his former comrades.
Director Biography
Algonquin from Kitigan-Zibi, Quebec. A Carpenter and father of five by day, filmmaker by night. Abraham Cote loves all things movies... Dark,scary and dripping with bloooooooooood!
Directed by Abraham Cote