Smoking Pipe Village
Films by Genre
Director Bios
The Imboré People produced this film in a co-creation process with three non-indigenous people. For all the Indigenous people who participated, it was the first time that they were involved in the realization of a communication project, this film is the first film in the community, it is the first collective product of collective self-portrait. To facilitate the process, three audiovisual directors were invited to coordinate the collective co-creative process and guide the final edition, with Sebastián Gerlic focusing on this role.
Sebastián Gerlic studied cinema and video in his hometown, Buenos Aires - Argentina; where he also worked in the feature film industry and in advertising. He moved to Brazil in 1994 to get deeper into shamanism. In the year 2000, he left aside advertising and started to facilitate an “Art and Communication” Workshop for indigenous peoples. Together with indigenous and non-indigenous friends, in 2002 he founded the NGO Thydêwá. At the NGO he conceives and executes projects such as: Indians in the view of the Indians, Indians Online, Esperança da Terra and Electronic Art Indigenous.
Directed by Ayra Imboré
Capilé Imboré
Hangoroy Imboré
Mangtxay Imboré
Pacato Payaya
Txaha Imboré
Sebastián Gerlic
Angelo Rosário
Gabriel Moreira
Cast Aritama Imboré
Ararikã Imboré
Ayra Imboré
Capilé Imboré
Eleny Imboré
Hangoroy Imboré
Mangtxay Imboré
Maya Pataxó Hãhãhãe Tupinambá
Pacato Payaya
Seu Té Imboré
Seu Santo Puri
Thymborana Kariri Sapuya
Txaha Imboré
Txaynara Imboré
Yaporã Imboré